Excercise and Back Pain

 My client, Jennifer, had a second back surgery 2 years ago for a herniated disc and feared working out would increase the pain or cause it to return. Her back pain did return without working out and so did her weight gain. She finally came to me desperate to lose weight. I have modified all weight training and exercises to alleviate any strain on the back and I focus on building strength for the back. We try each new exercise 1 time and she reports whether or not she is comfortable with it. Both Jennifer and I are happy to report that she has less back pain now than she was experiencing prior to training with me. Her exact words were, “I feel so much stronger now and can’t believe I put off working out when it has helped me this much.”

The message here is, don’t let back pain, knee pain, foot pain, or any other type of pain stop you from your diet and exercise goals. Work with a personal trainer that can help you understand which exercises can help you and how to do them so you don’t further injure yourself.

How to Kick Your Metabolism into Gear

Check out this link to read about how to speed up your metabolism by doing both weight training and cardio.


Boot Camp – Coming Soon!!!!

I will be starting boot camp in the coming weeks in the Winter Garden/Windermere area. While I am in the process of scheduling locations and times, I wanted to put it out there to everyone that may be interested and ask for feedback on preferred times. What time in the mornings and afternoons do you prefer? Is there a preference to time of day?

Day 1 of Jennifer’s Journey to her 40th Birthday Weight Goal

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Jennifer will be turning 40 at the end of September and has struggled with getting in shape for many years. She finds it difficult to motivate herself daily for an extended period of time. In order to meet her goal, I have mapped out a daily diet and exercise regime for her to follow. She is responsible for keeping her food diary daily and exercise log. We will meet twice a week to workout and review her progress. She begins her journey at 208 lbs. Follow us through the weeks as we track her progress.

A few words from Jennifer: “I woke up at 7 am today and started my day with a healthy breakfast and 30 minutes on the elliptical (after I spent 45 minutes cleaning the clothes and dust off of it). I was drenched in sweat and could not believe that I was in such bad shape that 30 minutes of exercise made me feel so shaky and weak. I had to shower before my next workout with Jeanne. She kept me motivated throughout the entire workout and I know that I can finally succeed with her behind me. I did more excercise in 1 day than I have done in an entire week. I am definitely feeling motivated.”

Are You Ready For The New You!

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Summer is just starting and it is not too late to get that perfect beach body. If you have always wanted to transform your body, now is the time. I am running a summer special on my program. Call or text for details:

Designer Bodies – (407) 925-2700

Follow my blog this summer as I transform a new client, Jennifer, over the next several months with my unique and exciting workout and nutrition program. We will follow her from the beginning with a before photo and weekly updates as to her progress on my daily supervised program. Jennifer will turn 40 this September and is ready to have the body she has always dreamed of.  Stay tuned, this will be an exciting journey.